
"If you can't own your story, you can't own your greatness.”

High performers live their relentless pursuit if excellence. Will always look for ways to better themselves, their performance, to learn and grow.

High performers are courageous and willing to investigate what's working, what's not. They own their limitations and find ways to fill the gaps.

Performance State has various online courses and webinars designed to empower you to be courageous enough to take that look at performance.

At Performance State we know to be a champion you need to "LIVE LIKE A CHAMPION". This webinar is entry into your journey into the next level of performance

If you looking to dive deep "FROM GREAT TO UNSTOPPABLE" program will explore the 4 PILLARS OF PERFORMANCE and ensure high performance is your way of life.

If you ever felt like something stands between you and your greatness, what is we all have “elephants”, just like the “elephant in the room” that block us from seeing our true performance. Corporate courses available now but look out for the book “SEE YOUR ELEPHANT, FIND YOUR PERFORMANCE GAP”. Coming soon.

At Performance State we know knowledge is power and provide you with the tools to own your power and your performance in sport of life itself.

Dr Jo Brown lives and breathes high performance. Driven by excellence and fuelled by an unwavering power of belief Dr Jo brings the lessons of 20 years in high performance sport to the corporate world.

She knows what it takes to be a high performer, the code or playing field (sport or corporate) doesn't matter. The same rules apply.

Dr Jo Brown has delivered high performance to allied health professionals, small and large corporates across the globe.